Ruster was fashionably late as usual, only this time he was two and half hours late! Er..because he couldn’t decide which pair of jeans to wear, out of the 20 pairs he owns?! Though it was undoubtedly a very good party and it was so good that we couldn’t remember how many bottles of wine we had! Bear in mind, we all each turned up with a bottle and the boss bought two dozens PLUS 40 cans of beer AND two champagnes and according to John there were only three bottles left at the end of the evening!!! Ummm, that’s just put it this way; I had a splitting headache when I got home! T and I passed out the minute we got home and the next thing we knew - it was already 12 midnight and we were on the sofa....

The guys I work with now are bunch of decent ones but most importantly, we have a laugh.
I don't wake up in the morning dreading to go to work, instead I look forward to it.
Anyway, hope everyone had a good one too!