I did find the class difficult as it had been two weeks since I last practiced yoga and having had to do five Surya Namaskara A and yes five for B just made it harder even though that's exactly how you should warm up and it probably actually did me a huge favour!!!
This time we had another different teacher and she was equally good. She told us various techniques which she came across when she was learning/trialling and I thoroughly enjoyed the class. When we did finishing postures, I found backbend challenging. Normally I could do five backbends straight without any hesitations but this time I struggled with the third one. However, I somehow managed to do the full Pindasana even without trying!!! (I was finally able to wrap around my lotus) It's all true - when your body is ready, it will get into the postures before you realise it!
Anyway, hopefully I will get to practice at least once more before I leave for my Far East trip on Friday! (to be honest, I am not really looking forward to it as I sense it could be a rather stressful one especially when it comes to my dearest dad!)