My gorgeous girl on a gorgeous English autumn day in Greenwich Park
Rayray is only a month shy of her FIRST birthday!!!! OMG OMG OMG! This can't be right, can it? Where has the time gone?
We travelled back to London in the end of September and this time round, Rayray didn't sleep well in the plane as she was busy 'socialising' with people next/opposite us! Though it only took her around a week to adjust to the time difference as opposed to the long two weeks when we went to Taiwan in July.
This month, baby indeed has been very very 'busy'! She doesn't stop moving when she is awake and I mean NON-STOP! She is either forever busy crawling around (she has mastered the skill and she now can crawl forward or backward with impressive speed! lol) or pulling herself up! She is fascinated with sockets and plugs just like every baby so the house is pretty much baby proofed now! She opens and closes wardrobes or cabinets, she is constantly on the missions of seeking new 'toys' to play with i.e. the ones mummy says NOOOOO to in particular! Oh, and not to mention that it is such a challenge to change her nappy now as she wriggles around.
Watch where you are going!
Height - 77
Eating - Breastfed twice a day plus 3 solids meals. Yes I dropped her afternoon feed by chance and in hindsight I am glad I did as I knew I would just prolong it! I was rather 'thirsty' for some bubbles when I had lunch with friends on a weekend and so I decided to treat myself to a glass! T then suggested it might be a good opportunity to drop the mid afternoon feed and so I did! Now I offer Rayray a pot of yoghurt or fromage frais. She has also decided that she didn't like breakfast cereals anymore a week ago and so it has been a struggle to get her to eat it since then. So I have been giving her variations, including scrambled eggs on toast, bircher muesli, pancakes with fruits, cheese scramble and french toast. Her appetite has also decreased noticeably but then I am not worried as it is normal after her growing spurt and it is not as if I need to worry about Rayray's weight!!!
T's very proud pancake v.s. AK's!
I have also stopped puree-ing her food as she actually prefers lumpy food now! It is soooo much easier not to puree food anymore! I either make her fresh food every meal or would just make 2 portions and freeze the remaining one and she either has it the following day or in a few days time and to be honest, I think freshly-cooked food tastes so much better and I can see Rayray turning into a bit of a connoisseur! lol

tucking into a strawberry
loves chewing her cutlery
Sleeping - After two weeks of showing Rayray how to lie down from standing up position in the cot, she has finally got it but I had to sleep train her again as she would cry after half an hour putting her down in the evening. I think it is because of all the travelling and jet lag and she forgot how to self sooth anymore. I didn't really let her cry in Taiwan as mum always gets upset when I did and she just couldn't bear hearing Rayray's crying.
My honey-bunny: just woke up from her nap
Loves playing patty-cake i.e. clapping hands and waves bye-bye enthusiastically
enjoys going to the supermarket with mummy
- Picks up tiny objects i.e. blueberries (one of her many favourite fruits) and peas with tips of thumb and forefingers and it is hilarious to see her doing that. I would love to post videos on here but ummm I have struggled to! Can anyone tell me how to do that from my iPhone?
- Stands alone momentarily and she looooves doing that!
She now yanks her hair clip out all the time!
- Apart from saying 'mama', 'dada', she now says 'baba', 'nana' and 'gaga'!
- Understands "NO" but always challenge my limit! hehehe and when she knows she is doing something naughty, she would always look at me first and see my reaction!
Her new bath seat and look at that signature smirk on her little face!
"Rolling" time after bath
My princess
I feel truly blessed to have such a little precious person in my life and there hasn't been a day she hasn't brought smile to my face. I can't wait for her first birthday as I know there will be more joy to come.