Friday, 21 December 2012

The 13th month

Loooooves snuggling up with me!

Rayray caught her very first cold this month...from me! Poor baby, she coughed and coughed and had runny nose, temperature, sore throat etc, all the things you would expect from a cold and it was so heartbreaking to see her suffer!

Falling asleep right after breakfast on my bed!!! She hadn't done so since she was six months old! She was completely zonked out from the cold!

Height - 82cm

Weight - 10.5kg (lost a bit of weight due to the cold)

Eating - I have weaned her off breast milk! OMG! I never thought I would be able to this as I had been breastfeeding her exclusively for a year!!!!! Though it wasn't as hard as I imagined. In fact, she took it rather well and I am very very proud of her. So she now has goats milk twice a day - first thing in the morning and before bed. She has almond milk with her cereals or porridge or as a drink at breakfast. She doesn't eat as much as she used to but I think it is a phase all babies go through so I am not worried especially my little dumpling has enough reserve on her! lol

Sleeping - Rayray is back to her old herself! Sleeping through from 7pm to 7am. In fact, she now sleeps till 7.30am or 8am sometimes and I am soooo not complaining!!!

Development - 
  • Tiptoeing when cruising around and it is just the cutest thing to see!
  • Learnt to 'give' people things and loves doing that!
Taken right before she got ill. She still loves lunching with mummy!
  • On the emotional front, Rayray has started showing her affectionate side i.e. she loooves hugging people and I have to say I can't get enough hugs from her, either! lol She has also started to squeal! Whether it is out of delight or frustration, she squeals or makes funny noises.
  • She is also one stubborn baby, if she has her eyes fixed on something she does not give up till she gets it!
  • Loves 'putting things in' and 'taking them out'! She can do this for a good 10 minutes!!!
Rayray' very first ride on horse carousel!
  • She picks up small foods and I mean really small i.e. bread crumbs from the table or her bib and put it in her mouth! 
  • Her favourite game is emptying cupboards or bags! Sometimes I let her crawl into the kitchen when I am preparing meals and she would be quite happily emptying all the cupboards and would insist on doing so till ALL the contents are out on the floor!
  • She now really enjoys story time before going to bed. She always chooses her favourite books (The Tiger who came to tea, Hungry caterpillar and Where is baby's birthday cake) and passes them onto me so I read them to her. 
I love this shot!

I have also taken Rayray swimming a couple of times this month and she still loves being in the water!

Half an hour in the pool absolutely tired her out!

It's only 4 days away from Christmas and I can still remember this time last year vividly! I was out of the confinement centre and was panicking how I'd cope with a one month old at a restaurant whilst following a routine! This year, I am looking forward to seeing Rayray unwrapping all the pressies as she now loves tearing things and just spends her very first Christmas back in London!!!

Sunday, 2 December 2012

Rayray's first hair cut

Rayray 'finally' had her first hair cut two days after her first birthday. I say 'finally' because traditionally, babies in Taiwan have ALL their hair and eyes brows shaved off, lashes cut short when they are a month old! WHY? I have no idea but apparently it stimulates the hair growth. Obviously I didn't do that to Rayray and the only reason I decided it was time to trim her hair was that the back of hair was becoming rather shaggy.

Back of her hair

We went to Tantrum on Kings Road. It is a lovely friendly hair salon designed for children.

A very happy bunny in their 'special' car chair


Engrossed by a little telly in front of her!

Jumping up and down

Hair cut in action

I have to say that I was very impressed with Rayray! She was just fascinated by it all and she even got her very first blow dry!!! The hair dresser was certainly very impressed too as she said that most children could not bear having a hair dryer near them!!

Ta da....AFTER

What do you think?

A very proud daddy

It turned out to be a bob and somehow makes her round facer rounder! lol They have put her hair in a little cute heart-shaped box and I shall keep it and treasure it so I will always remember how soft her hair is!