Happy on the swing
Little missy turns 14 month today and gosh, where has the time gone? She has grown so much this month that I think I need to start jotting things down as I go along now!
Height - 83 cm
Weight - 11.3 kg (she has put on a fair bit of weight this month!)
Eating - On goats milk twice a day (200ml in the morning and 125ml before bed) and 100-150ml of almond milk at breakfast. Still loves her food and has good three solid meals a day plus a yoghurt or smoothie after nap in the afternoon.
At one of her 'favourite' restaurants, Bar Boulud as somehow she loooves the waiters there! lol
Development -
- Rayray has finally cut through her upper front teeth!!!! yay
- She still can go from sitting to standing without any support and loves 'walking' around with me holding her hands. I can definitely see that she is a lot more confident when she walks.
- Like squatting???!!! Yes and she does it quite a lot throughout the day...I guess it is all part of strengthening the thigh muscles!
- She can point her nose when I ask her and points at my nose when I ask 'where is mummy's nose?'
- Tries to feed herself, not with the spoon yet but with her hands and loves doing that.
- Rayray says 'baba' a lot and at first I thought she meant daddy but then she calls T dada so I discovered that she says baba when she sees babies and when she is in a good mood!
- Loves gazing herself in the mirror and she would smile and smile at her own image!!! lol
- Loves 'skyping-daddy' time! She would just smile at T on the screen without fail! My little girl absolutely adores her daddy!
- Loves playing or being surrounded by kids. She gets so excited that she squeals! One of her favourite classes is Sue's 'Baby Interactive Class' on Mondays and she has her little friend Lily there to play with and it is just so funny to see two babies cooing to each other.
- She now tries to imitate us when we cough or blow raspberries!
- She can finally nod instead of shaking her head all the time! Or maybe she just tries to be difficult because she knows she can! lol
- Tried to 'dance'! when she hears music, she would wriggle her little bottoms or waving hands!
Amazed by the white stuff!
All wrapped up warm like a mini polar bear
At Harrods' new Disneyland World
How do I look with these on?