Tuesday, 21 May 2013

The 18th month

My baby turns 18 month old today and my, this month I do feel she isn't a 'baby' anymore she is a little person that I can have conversations with and she actually understands things I say!! She truly is a bundle of joy to be with!

Look at my little poser!!!

This month we moved houses as the old flat is now going through major renovations which will take up to 6 months to complete and thankfully Rayray being a total adventurous explorer, she settled well and finds granddad's place another new playground for her! lol

A play date with baby Maddie and it cracked me up to see them lying side by side!

Height - 81cm 

Weight - 11.8kg

Eating - Still loves her fruits and BROCCOLI!!!!! (I am guessing because it is MY favourite veg and I ate so much of it while I was pregnant?!) I am grateful that she eats well even though sometimes she gets fussy but generally she likes her food. 

I love this photo as she still looks so sausagy and her innocent baby eyes!

Sleeping - I have now cut her LTN to an hour and moved her bedtime forward to 6.30pm so she doesn't take too long to settle in the evening. Generally sleeps for a solid 12 hour at night but obviously with occasional glitches of EMW.

mama, let's go shopping

Development -
  • A really obvious spurt in physical development as Rayray can't seem to get enough climbing of furniture and just loooooves playing ball with T. She also loves rolling on my bed ENDLESSLY, basically just leaps about!
  • has learnt to RUN and boy does she like running! It is as if she HAS to run everywhere she goes!
  • She loves dancing whenever she hears music and has learnt to twirl! 
  • She would 'talk' to herself when she plays and it could go on and on and on!
  • Rayray is fond of cleaning after Lorna started looking after her in the morning! YES! After 17 months of looking after her 24/7, I finally got a helper even though Lorna works part-time but I already can feel the difference and most importantly, Rayray adores Lorna! So Rayray would pretend to wipe the floor using ummmm ANYTHING she can get hold of so I guess it's time to get her own dustpan and brush and possibly a baby vacuum cleaner.

Looking rather puzzled before Kindermusik which she loves!

Looking so serious on escalator

mama, look at me!

Little happy reader in car

Whenever Rayray calls mama, it melts my heart, instantly! My 'concern' which isn't really a concern YET but she isn't talking as much as a 18 month old and I put it down as we speak both English and Mandarin to her so she needs more time to adapt.

Anyway, Happy 18 month Birthday my little dumpling!