My cute Harry looking rather nervous
Height - 65.5cm
Weight - 8.9kg

This photo melts my heart every single time I look at it
Eating - 5 milk feed a day. As I suffered from two severe mastitis the previous month, I decided to wean Harry off breast milk and it was not an easy decision. People are funny creatures, well, I think mothers are or at least I am. I was determined NOT to breastfeed baby Number 2 when I was pregnant and then when Harry was born, I said one month. Once I left confinement centre, I said three months as I had a nanny then and everything was just so much easier than first time round and boobs seemed fine, not blockage and milk flow was smooth and I somehow managed to stabilised just the right amount of milk for Harry. I then decided to breastfeed him for 6 months but I knew I just couldn't handle another mastitis as I wouldn't have the strength to look after two kids.

Look at me! I am sitting up!
Sleeping - I really could not ask for a better baby! Harry actually started to sleep through when he was two month old but after he caught the cold from Rayray, the pattern broke off. Apart from the occasional glitches and I mean really really occasionally, he is like a little clock. He soothes himself and just goes to sleep by GF routine.

Another play date with adorable MJ
Development -
- Like Rayray, Harry started looking at us whenever we have food in hands or when we put things in our mouths.
- Still can't roll over to his back from tummy... I guess it's because of his weight.
- Loves starring at me when I do my makeup, drying my hair or just chatting to people.
- discovered his right foot! Yes as he only ever manages to grab his right foot not the left one.

During one of my morning routines i.e. moisturising faces, putting my wall paint on! lol

Sleeping snug as a bug
Hilarious look and I just love it!
Although Harry isn't as smily as Rayray at this age, he does smile at me and is a much contented calm baby. My little Harry, you are just perfect for me and thank you for being such a patient baby with mummy when I continue to learn how to be a mummy of two. I try to give both Rayray and Harry equal attention. I know it is still very early days but I strive to learn.
Harry's progress: