Saturday, 21 November 2015

Monday, 2 November 2015

11 month old

Time has truly flown by way too quickly. This month my baby has grown so much. Not only he can stand up with 

He got Roseola this month, just like Rayray when she was 10 month old. He has it rather severely, the rash was all over his little chops, it also spread into his limbs. The fever lasted three days and rash appeared on day 3 and lasted for good 4-5 days. It was heartbreaking to see him suffer... But at least he has had it now. 

He is definitely more amused and animated by his surroundings and interactions. I've noticed that he shakes his little body when he hears music and as rayray started learning the piano, he definitely has take 

Still only has two teeth on he bottom even though the top right front tooth seems to be on its way