Thursday, 27 October 2011

75th Percentile

I went for a scan on 7th October to see how 'big' the baby was and it turned out that baby was at the 75th percentile!!! Baby weighed 2100 grams compared to the average of 1900 grams at 32 weeks! Umm could it be all the cakes I have been eating? hahaha Ok I have not been stuffing my face with cakes but I have discovered that I do tend to have a sweet tooth in the last trimester. Though as I have put on 12 kgs so far (yes I am also overweight now and so have to watch what I eat!) and so my best friend now is guava!

I never thought I would be eating so much guava in my life but it is doctor's order and I am so scared that I will REALLY ballon in the last month, um which is NOW! Oh dear...

Anyway, so this week baby is a size of a large cantaloupe melon! Though I am not too sure as baby should be around 52cm long and weighs 2.5kg and that is larger then a melon surely?

What do ya think?


  1. why guava???

    its all good. enjoy now, lose them later. i say. :)

  2. Because guava is low in sugar, calories etc etc so it's my best friend now... :(
    If I 'Enjoy' now, I will regret later! hahaha

  3. if u breastfeed, u will lose them ever more they say lah.

    i ask C to suck mine, my weight still the same. :(

    ooo i shall indulge in more guava then. dun eat grape - that's a pointless fruit - full of sugar & nothing else except carbs & calories.

  4. oh but i love grapes...and I thought they were full of antioxidants? no?

  5. i tot soo too.

    not after i read dukan diet. bananas, cherries and grapes are the highest calories & carbs fruits!! hence no no no..

    and i found out...

    But not all fruits are good for you – not by a long shot. Some of them are almost pure sugar, and their juices are just as bad for you as soda pop.

    Case in point: Oranges and grapefruits. Yes, there’s some Vitamin C to be had by eating these, and a few other things as well, but they’re mostly just sugar. And the straight juices of either of these are no better for you (again, aside from the vitamins – which you can easily get in a sugarless supplement) than soda-pop.

    Perhaps the most extreme example of not-so-good fruits are grapes. Aside from being really expensive, most varieties of grapes (especially the green ones) are virtually nutrition-less. They’re good for one thing only, and that’s tasting sweet. The red varieties are a little better, as they contain some valuable antioxidants, but for the most part, they all might as well be Hershey’s kisses.

    Even raisins are pretty much worthless, from a nutrition standpoint. And grape juice? Well, that’s just sugar-water, pure and simple. A natural form of Kool-aid, and nothing more

  6. Gosh you are one fruit expert now! I love my fruits and with oranges and grapefruits, surely they are packed with fibre too? I kind of new about grapes but can't NOT eat them! hahaha
