Thursday, 2 February 2012

The Second Month

Raychi turned two months on 21st January, just before Chinese New Year's Eve this year and so that was the excuse I had for not posting this earlier as had been 'busy' (busy doing the usual baby business really) but I knew I'd better get a grip before I forget it again.

I still watch and stare at Raychi with amazement all the time as I can't quite believe how I brought this little creature into this world and how much love I have for her! Ok, I might be getting a bit emotional here but her every movement still fascinates me.

Miss little grumpy pants

Raychi had red spots all over her little face, ear lobes and behind her ears. It got worse and worse so the helper suggested using green tea to cleanse her face. (I did get the nod  from doc but green tea water dries out the skin so we shouldn't be using it for too long)  It got better for a week or so but then the condition worsen again so we had to take her to the doctor's. It turned out that she suffered from atopic dermatitis and the doctor prescribed some cream and we got her some emollient lotion to sooth the skin.

Poor little love's face

Height - 57cm

Weight - 6.5kg

Eating - Feeds 6 times a day. We started giving her bottle at the 10pm feed but after a few times, she decides she prefers mummy's boobies. Okay, this is understandable but also very frustrating as Tao wants to be able to feed her too and we have tried various things i.e. me not being in the same room (it worked a couple of times) and T feeds her with the same position as I feed her etc. We will just keep trying as I think it is important for her to learn to feed from a bottle.

Sleeping - We are still struggling to get her to learn to sooth herself to sleep, especially the 9 o'clock morning nap. We either let her fall asleep in our arms or sometimes with helper's insistence, we let her cry in her cot and she tires herself out. However, I think one of the major factors is that I am not strict with the routine i.e. I don't get up at 7am to feed her and when I do, I always doze off in bed with her and then wake up at 8am therefore she doesn't get tired at 9am.

  • Raychi now smiles spontaneously especially to strangers! She loves cooing to people when they talk to her and smile at her! It is very entertaining to watch and I think she will be a little chatty box once she starts talking. 
  • She sometimes squeals in delight particularly after her bath or when she is on the play mat.
  • She now also turns her head around when she hears noises and stare at people when they talk to her. 

One happy daddy

Little Miss Chatty Box

Raychi is genuinely a good baby who doesn't really cry and seems like a pretty contended little happy baby and we are ever so grateful having her in our lives.

Little swimmer

Rayray's progress: