Saturday, 7 April 2012

The Fourth Month

Rayray turns four months old today (21 March) and gosh, what a milestone!!! Mum says that back in the day, they were only 'allowed' to take babies out when they were four months?!

Anyway, Rayray is one bubbly baby who doesn't really cry apart from in the evening just before her bedtime. We then found out that whenever we take her out in her buggy, she sleeps soundly and falls asleep in one minute flat!

Anyway, the reason this post is long over due again is I found I couldn't write and by that, I mean I literally can't write. I would start typing then nothing makes sense. I don't know if it's me spending all my time with a baby that has made me losing the ability to write or my brain has really gone mushy???!!! Either way, it's rather worrying.....

There is so much I want to write yet nothing I type seems to be right!

Height - 64.5cm

Weight - 8.3kg

Eating - Rayray feeds 5 times between 7am - 7pm and is still very much on the CLB routine.&nbsp plus a late feed at 10.30pm Rayray needs far less time to feed. She would feed on one boobie for around 15 minutes and then 5 minutes on the other IF she is in a good mood. If not, she would play and laugh and 'talk' to me for a few minutes then decides she is bored of lying down!

Sleeping - Rayray now only needs a maximum of 3 hours of nap time during the day so she goes down well at 7pm. She still wakes up at 4am occasionally but lately she wakes up at around 5am/5.30am and I wake her up at 7am to start the day. I still sit by her cot to sooth her at her morning and lunchtime naps and struggle to put her down at 7pm. I thought I found the secret to put her to sleep by holding her across my chest so she sees the lights through the window but it only worked for two nights. Mum and I sometimes spend at least half an hour holding and rocking her for her to fall asleep and I know it is so wrong to do this but I don't know what else to do other than feeding her more. Definitely need to crack this.

Development - Tries to 'stand' on my lap and gosh, my dumpling has some strong little legs!!! She still loves her fingers and I try not to let her sucking them.

Here are some photos of my darling pumpkin and I pray I will be able to write again SOON!!!

Cheeky Pumpkin

Pumpkin on her tummy

me looking bleary-eyed with pumpkin chewing her favourite finger!

Rayray's progress:


  1. when are u guys going to the photostudio to take one family portrait since u guys in taiwan? :)

    soo precious, the look on rayray.

  2. We have already had that done but apparently it takes the photographer TWO freaking months to edit them? but they said nothing needed to be edited because they want everything to look al natural?????

    Yes Auntie Joce, we have a Mohawk! hahaha

  3. 2 months to edit and yet everything to look al natural. hmm...


  4. i know! soo sooo stupid! I sure am going to complain online once i receive the photos! i know i am such a chicken but still need to get photos back first ma! haha

  5. i know! soo sooo stupid! I sure am going to complain online once i receive the photos! i know i am such a chicken but still need to get photos back first ma! haha
