Monday, 21 May 2012

The 6th month

My darling Rayray is half a year old today and my, she has grown so so much in the past month! Not only we decided to wean her early, she had her very first long haul flight from Shanghai back to London!

Height - 68cm

Weight - 9.2kg

Eating - I know I said I was going to wait till Rayray turned 6 months to wean her but she started to get hungry earlier than the usual feeding time despite offered her more milk. So I thought I'd give her some organic baby rice mixed with my boobie milk and she took it really well. She stared at the spoon for a while the first time but once she got the taste of it, she couldn't get enough of it! So a week later, I started giving her some organic apple puree, pear puree and by the third week, she has tried sweet potato, carrot, potato, courgette and banana! She now looooooves her food!

Baby rice mixed with boobie milk

I really enjoy making her food as I had decided long time ago that she would be on an exclusively organic diet only! Her body is my temple!!!

I still breastfeed her before giving her solids. She is breastfed 5 times between 7am - 7pm plus a dream feed at 10.30pm.

Look at my belly after dindin!

Sleeping - After her 'sleep training session' last month, she now soothes herself to sleep in the morning and lunchtime. I can just put her in her cot and she would 'talk' to herself for a bit then falls asleep really quickly! The evening nap between 7pm - 10.30pm still requires some attention. I put her down after story time and she would fuss and shuffle for a good half an hour. She usually falls asleep after a lot of gentle 'shhhhhhhhh' and hair-stroking.

She also started sleeping in her own room two weeks after we got back to London and she took it well. I think the blackout blinds definitely helped!

Development -
Yo! Whazzz up!
  • Rayray has learnt to blow raspberries and she loves doing that!
  • She also understands 'cause and effect' and the results of simple actions so she would drop her toy wanting me to pick it up. I don't get cross nor do I tell her not to do it, I know it's babies' way of communicating and I enjoy playing with her.
  • She now reaches out when there are objects in front and she also likes touching my face and hair
  • She can now sit like a tripod without any support and is so adorable to see her discovering the world from a different angle.

My little princess

Mummy put me in this bumbo seat and it's too snug for me!

Rayray's progress:


  1. ray ray sure knows how to enjoy her food ahh... just like her mama hahaha... nxt...a glass of organic bubbly? eh. ;P

    precious. precious. blow her a kiss for me :) xoxo

  2. hahahahah true! But no bubbly yet...

  3. She has got to be the cutest moving thing on earth!!! I love her belly!! Can't wait to see her! Well and mommy too of course!

  4. Awww thank you Joyce. Look forward to catching up soon!
