We travelled back to London on 29 May and it was very hard first two weeks for all of us.
Unexpectedly, it took rayray more than a week to adjust to her jet lag this time round and I think it could be down to too much excitements!!!! Whereas Harry not only slept well on the way here in the plane, he behaved well too!!! I was so proud of him.
Harry seemed to adjust well to the house in London and he now seems like a different baby! He used to give strangers his famous 'death stare' and it was like squeezing blood out of a stone getting him to crack a smile to strangers. Whereas now he would smile at people when we are out and he just seems so much more relaxed. I think it was entirely my fault as I rarely took him out when we were in Taiwan hence the lack of 'people contact'!!!
Weight 9.2kg
- it is either my memory or Harry is just naturally more active than Rayray at this age, he would not stop kicking whenever having his nap pies changed or sitting on his rocking chair! He definitely has the legs for rugby and football! Lol
We started giving Harry solids when he was 5.5 months and in a way I'm glad I started early because I soon discovered that he is a little fussy eater. It takes him at least 3 days to get used to new flavours/food including fruits and I mean SWEET fruits! Therefore we were a bit 'behind' GF's weaning routine but then I'm much more relaxed with him.
His favourite food so far is lamb stew with apricots, chicken and sweet potato + apple and cottage pie!!! He definitely prefers freshly cooked food bit then how can he tell??? Having said that, I remember all I wanted was SPICY Asian food when I was pregnant with him.
He now has three milk feeds a day and sleeps through from 7pm to 7am.
He is very chatty nowadays and always dishes out the sweetest smiles every morning especially if he sees Rayray around.
Feeding time proves to be a bit challenging at 7.5 months because Harry knows what he wants!!! He HAS to have finger food and if he sees us eating something else in our plates he wants the same too!!!
Still doesn't like fish, both salmon and cod but I'm not giving up! I try feed him fish mixing with fruit purée, as yucky as it sounds, that's the only way he would eat some.
I forget the 'power' of babies' gum! Harry managed to 'chew' cherries and blueberries! I don't know how but he just loves them!
He is very aware of Rayray and knows how to put on his crying face and voices if Rayray snatches from him and he feels he is 'endangered ' by Rayray! Lol
I could never imagine loving another soul as much as I loved Rayray but now I know and i would not have it any other way!

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