I have not been able to get into Marichasana D ever since I last went to Iiling’s mysore practice class three weeks ago which is really frustrating. I don’t know if it’s the shortened length of time of the fundamental asanas or I am just not as flexible as I thought I was.

BUT I was quite pleased that I was able to do Ardha Baddha Padmottanasana on both sides. My right side is definitely more tense and tight than left so it was good to be able to get into that today.
One of my New Year resolutions is get a good grip of the primary series so that I can advance to the intermediate series. I think I was a bit too ambitious as it takes years to master the primary series and I am now just ‘trying’ to do yoga three times a week, which isn’t exactly ideal nevertheless I still remain hopeful! hahaha
i just can wrap my right hand over my legs. dunno why? just cannot! my elbow just doesnt want to.