Thursday, 8 February 2007

Finishing Postures

Managed to go to yoga class this afternoon and was quite pleased with some progress despite hadn’t been practicing for a week. When I did Urdhva Padmasana today, I was rather stable and stayed for about 10 breathes.

And and and – when I was in Baddha Padmasana, I was able to grab both sides of my toes! The fun didn’t stop here – I did not only do Utpluthee but stayed for 15 breathes! The breathing technique is really great! Though I still seem to have really tight hamstrings and so when it comes to Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana, I just can’t get my legs straight. Um, as Iiling says, practice, practice, practice!



  1. sherry...WELL DONE!!!!!!!!!!!
    first of all WELL DONE>>>>haha
    secondly, welcome to blogosphere. keep it up
    thirdly, OMIGOD! wat can u not do with your body now huh. seriously. u got to teach me how to release those tight hamstrings man.

  2. I wish I could Hon, I, myself have very very tight hamstrings and I've asked a few teachers and the answer I always get is PRACTICE....
