Sunday, 13 May 2007

Cymbidium Orchids for Dearest Mum

It's another year that I can't be with mum on Mother's Day and it's kind of depressing.

However, I've always sent mum flowers on this special day and this year I've I decided to go for something slightly unconventional. It's normally lilies, tulips, or various kinds of roses but never ever carnations - I've never been fond of carnations. I remember we had to make paper carnations when we were at primary school and I just hated doing it. Don't get me wrong, I was good at origami and I loved it but I just didn't like the flower and not to mention the idea of making them from paper?! noooo, never ever, especially not the red ones! So I would try to make my carnations look different but then still kind of 'carnationy' (believe it or not, they all had to be marked!!! talk about the REAL spirit!) and then present them to mum.

Anyway, I ordered some cymbidium orchids for mum this year and she really loved them! To be honest, I had no idea what they were called! I just saw them online and thought they looked absolutely beautiful and elegant, just like my dearest mummy. Apparently they come in a number of varieties and the ones I ordered are the green ones, well, initially I wanted the pink ones and they come with a fine name too - Princess Molly Gorgeous! Unfortunately they were not available! Nevertheless, mum adored them and was really excited as she'd never seen this breed even though she is very keen on flowers/plants! I am quite pleased with the green variety as well as I know it's baking hot in Taipei at the moment and they seem to have a soothing visual effect! The only thing is that it comes with the glass vase as shown above and it's VERY heavy according to mum. Though she said she would probably use it as a mini fish tank afterwards! hahaha

I found a website that specialises in cymbidium orchids and I must say they do offer some stunning varieties!
I know where to order more next time!

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