Wednesday, 9 May 2007

Moody Me

Okay, I need something or someone to cheer me up!
I’ve been feeling damn miserable since yesterday and I just can’t hack it anymore.

It’s not that time of the month in case you ask.
It’s nothing to do with work.
It’s nothing to do with domestic issues.

There is just something on my chest and I really want to get it off me but only if I know what it is and how!

I will go to yoga class today and see if it helps or else I will have to seek other alternatives before I lose it! and I am praying that won’t happen since I am collected, composed and calm…well, most of the time.



  2. 'It's a little bit funny this feeling inside; I'm not one of those who can easily hide....' your song by elton john.

    how are u holding, shea?

    dun bottle up all your feelings for me lah, just spill it. it's always better out then in i say hahaha!

    other possibilities:
    1- anxiety-summer sale coming
    2- pms preview
    3- hmm...lil' S ????
    4- bug? spiderman? boost ur vitamins
    5- too chill out
    6- me me me me...
    7- wrong size bra-u know ur puppies are not chiwawa u know...they are lambrador size yo
    8- wat movie or programme u last watch?
    9- anxiety attack ka?
    10- the heat in UK??? or the lack of it???

  3. thanks for all the possible diagnoses! I am feeling better now. It could be the weather...very grey, windy, rainy but then i should really get use to it perhaps it was all the other ones you suggested and when I come to think about it...some are quite true! hahah! thanks Dr T!

  4. thanks for links Missoni Girl. All the pics do look very tempting! and they did take my mind off for a bit!^^ I am feeling better now! cheers!
