I am supposed to learn this from the very beginning since it is after all, the foundation. Ashta = Eight, Anga = Limb; Yoga – Calmness of waves in the mind. I knew what Ashtanga meant but not in a great detail and had no idea what yoga meant. So when Iiling asked the class what exactly Ashtanga Yoga meant there was a long silence. In western countries, people tend to start with the third limb, Asana which is the postures.
Eight Limbs are:
Yama (moral observance)
Niyama (inner observance) A
sana (postures)
Pratyahara (breath control)
Dharana (sense control)
Dhyana (meditation)
Samadhi (contemplation)
It is ‘’not possible to practice the limbs and sub-limbs of yama and niyama when the body and sense organs are weak and haunted by obstacles’’ (Jois 2002 17). Therefore it is important to take up DAILY asana practice to make the body strong and healthy (Jois 2003 10). With the body and sense organs thus stablised, the mind can be steady and controlled (Jois 2002 16).
Hopefully I have not bored anyone but just thought it’d be nice to share the little something I learnt today.
yes guru!!!